Candidato vacunal Mambisa, de Cuba.
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How is Mambisa progressing on the road to authorization as an anti-COVID-19 vaccine?

The vaccine candidate Mambisa – developed by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) –

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Otra batalla ganada por Abdala: 40 millones de vacunas producidas. Portada: Santiago Romero Chang
Posted in Inglés

Impact of Cuban vaccines against COVID-19 is unstoppable

Image: Santiago Romero Chang. Impact of Cuban vaccines against COVID-19 is unstoppable

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Verdad de Cuba llega al mundo, apesar del bloqueo en las redes sociales. CMKC, Radio Revolución.
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France promotes solidarity and cooperation projects with Cuba

The Cuba Cooperation France Association (CubaCoop) presented its solidarity and collaboration projects in favor of the island

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Donald Trump es el peor de los presidentes de Estados Unidos, dice The New York Time.
Posted in Inglés

The United States is the world’s major violator of human rights

“The United States is the world’s major violator of human rights,”

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Posted in Inglés

Cuban leaders congratulate Vietnam on Independence Day

Vietnam celebrates its National Day on September 2

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Posted in Inglés

Cuban schools finalize measures to restart school year

Schools in much of Cuba are finalizing on Monday details for the return of thousands of students to classrooms on Tuesday, September 1…

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